Khagan (Khan) Karimov
I am a third-year PhD student in Computer Science at the University of Utah under supervision of Prof. Dr. Eric Eide. My research focuses on WebAssembly, but my broader interests include compilers, programming languages, and systems.
What have I been doing?
- Fall 2024: I am a TA for the Computer Systems course at the University of Utah.
- Summer 2024: I worked at the WebAssembly Research Center at Carnegie Mellon University with Prof. Dr. Ben Titzer. (We are planning great things together. Stay tuned!) I also served as a member of Artifact Evaluation Committee of ACM CCS 2024. I am a contributor to the Wizard Research Engine, the Virgil Programming Language, and the WasmEdge.
- I have been conducting semantics-aware fuzzing of WebAssembly implementations to find crash bugs, wrong code bugs, etc. 🐛
- As a student, I take classes.
- I have also been involved in Penetration Testing for a while.